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Town of Newtown
Economic Development Commission
June 16, 2009 – 7pm
Multi-purpose Building, Riverside Road, Sandy Hook, CT
PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Rau,  Martha LaMarche, Mitchell Bolinsky, Wes Thompson, Ted Kreinik, Donald Sharpe, Robert Morey

1.       Call to order – Robert Rau called the meeting to order at 7:14pm
2.      Minutes of May 19, 2009 – Minutes approved. Motion to accept the minutes by Mitch Bolinsky. Seconded by Martha LaMarche. Minutes approved unanimously.
3.      Public Participation – No public present
4.      Reports
a.      Director of Planning and Community Development – Liz Stocker on vacation for two weeks – no report.
b.      Subcommittee Reports
i.      Business Advocacy/Retention (Adsitt, Sharpe, Morey, Howard) – Don Sharpe reported that committee did not meet but he is looking into the potential of  home-based businesses to try to find a way for them to come forward to let EDC know of needs and establish a relationship with business owners.  Also, would like to talk to George Benson in regards to the Chamber of Commerce’s proposal on signage.  Sharpe also sees a need for an advocate to possibly be added to Newtown staff, to be pro-active with businesses in regards to retention and welcoming new businesses to town.
ii.     Maximization of potential sites for Economic Development (LaMarche, Bolinsky, Sharpe, Kreinik) – Nothing to report at this time.
iii.    Facilitate the Maintenance/Development of Agricultural Businesses (Thompson, Morey, Howard) –   Thompson made visits to farm owners for input as to what support they would like from EDC.  Signage was a main issue for owners.  Sandy Hook Farmers Market is reported to be moving to Lexington Gardens site starting at the end of June in hopes to capitalize on main road traffic and store traffic for potential customers.  Some areas of interest to inquire/research are CT Agricultural trail signs, Interest maps of Newtown, meeting with farmers and EDC to help facilitate town-wide farmers market.  
iv.     Alternative Energy – Tech Park (Kreinik, Bolinsky, Thompson) – Ted Kreinik reported the committee met with Fred Hurley of the WSA to find out scope of consumer needs by WSA.  The best plan is to go with a PPA (Private Power Authority) and get one or more providers to look at land and let EDC know the feasibility to generate enough power for WSA and/or other businesses.  Bob Rau received a letter regarding a meeting in Newtown to explain American Recovery Act and how energy funds will be disbursed, Kreinik plans to attend said meeting on 6/17/09.
v.      Evaluate/Upgrade as needed EDC Marketing aids (LaMarche, Adsitt, Thompson) – Martha LaMarche reported committee has met and did research on several companies/candidates for website upgrade/creation.  The committee wrote a RFP and invited selected companies to present plans of action to the committee.    EDC would like to allocate 2/3 of expenses for this year with remainder of funds coming from next fiscal year.   Motion to move forward with website companies was made by Wes Thompson.  Seconded by Ted Kreinik.  Motion approved unanimously.
5.      Old Business
a.      Tech Park – Bob Rau reported that the remaining 250K of STEAP grant which must be committed by end of this fiscal year for construction, will be re-allocated to FHA and a one year extension applies to said funds.
b.      Army/ATMI – No response from Army Corp of Engineers.  Letter to ATMI is being drafted, stating continued interest in the company being relocated to Newtown.
c.      Signage – Important topic and issue for Newtown businesses.  Controlled by Planning and Zoning.  Chamber of Commerce is actively pursuing modifications of existing regulations for signs.  These modifications would be extended to businesses on a short term basis during these economic times.  Ted Kreinik had an alternate proposal involving modifications and revenue from modifications.  Discussion on signage and possible funds generated as opposed to being business friendly ensued.  It was decided that an exception to the regulations on a short term basis needs to be addressed and a better policy needs to be put in place for signage.  Don Sharpe and Bob Rau agreed to meet with George Benson of P&Z to discuss possible solutions.
6.      New Business
a.      Capital Improvement Plan
i.      Potential Future Projects – Equal to/Greater than $263K – EDC needs to generate a list of potential future projects and costs to town by July.  The driveway for Tech Park will be put on list at a cost of $1M.
b.      2009 -2010 Budget – Project/Sub Committee Expenses – Projects for upcoming fiscal year may include website, marketing support materials, support of Farmers Market, Salute to Business dinner, Commercial Real Estate Reception, Advertising, possible part-time clerical position dedicated to EDC.
7.      Adjournment – Motion to adjourn was made by Mitch Bolinsky and seconded by Robert Morey.  All in favor.  Adjourned at 9:52pm.
Respectfully submitted by:
Julie Obre, Clerk